Privacy Policy

Reynards Limited Privacy Policy


Our company is active in the wholesale bakery and food packaging products industry. We collect contact information of potential and actual customers for marketing purposes. We also retain transactional contract data. We take privacy seriously, and all data is handled in compliance with GDPR. The data controller for is the company secretary to whom any queries or complaints should be addressed either in writing to our registered office or by email to

Summary of Policy

– If you want to stop receiving marketing emails, simply unsubscribe to any that we have sent. The process takes seconds and is immediate. We keep a record of the opt-out.

– If you have transacted with us, in general, we retain your contract data.

– Note that GDPR does not apply to data held on companies, although in practice, we follow the same procedures.

– If you have any issues with our privacy policy, our data controller will be happy to help

Event Legal Basis Opt-out
First Contact Legitimate Interest n/a
Subsequent Marketing Consent Unsubscribe
Transactional Data Contract Unusual, contact us
Bank/Audit/Court Order1 Legal Requirement Not possible
Sale of Data1,2 Consent No ‘trusted partners’ consent

1. Shared with third parties, not the subject.
2. We do not do this.

Marketing Data

Data held
We hold contact information (name, address, email, phone number) of customers and potential customers. Please note that data on companies, as opposed to individuals is not subject to the GDPR regulations. However, as some of our customers may be sole traders, in practice, we follow GDPR principles with all data subjects. We collect this data through legitimate trade activity (trade directories, exhibitions etc.), and also may acquire data from third parties, which will contain the correct permissions for third-party contact.

Legal Basis
The legal basis for our marketing communications may initially be legitimate interest, but in general is consent.

Data Usage
We use the data for marketing communications, which is normally via emails, postal communications and telephone calls. It is company policy not to sell data to third parties for marketing purposes.

Data Storage
Our data is stored within the European Union, and is held indefinitely for the specific reason that we need to identify the opt in/out status for any email address in the event that we acquire the address again via other means. An opt-out to us takes precedence over an opt-in to the ‘trusted partners’ of another data collector.

Your rights
Individual data subjects have the legal right to

– request a report of all the data we hold on you, in a portable format. This is normally free.
– compel us to amend any incorrect information we hold about you.
– revoke or amend any permissions you have given, at any time (‘unsubscribe’)
– ask us to remove all data we hold (‘forget you’)
– to complain to the office of the Information Commissioner
– in certain circumstances, to restrict us from processing your data

Contract and Legal Requirement Data and Legitimate Interest Communications

We also hold internal records of all transactions, deliveries and payments, and general customer activity, which includes but is not limited to emails, letters, notes or recordings of telephone calls, and website activity. These internal records are entirely private but are disclosed to individual qualified parties where legally required (eg audit, HMRC), or as a part of trade contracts (eg credit assessment). Communications with yourself by email, such as invoices, payment demands etc, are in our legitimate interest. Please contact our data controller if you have any issues in this area.